Feeling frustrated with your dog?

Do you feel like you do exactly what everyone else does, but YOUR dog doesn’t seem to learn?

Perhaps you’ve been to training class, watched the videos online, tried 101 different methods and yet your dog still doesn’t do the thing! Some days it feels like the harder you try, the worse it gets. Your dog is driving you insane.

I know that feeling.

I remember trying to teach my first dog to walk nicely on lead. I felt tired and stressed and frustrated. Friends, dog trainers and the internet all had different ideas. I trained for hours and didn’t see any results, despite following The Method That Really Works. Common responses from the well-wishers were “It worked for my dog”. I thought either I was doing something wrong, or my dog was defective.

I tried every single method I could. I went out every single day and walked up and down my street, and round in circles at a local park, but nothing seemed to work. I couldn’t even get my dog’s attention. I felt so hopeless I even considered using methods I disagree with ethically and morally. I didn’t have anyone to turn to for advice that didn’t just add to my list of things that didn’t work. You wouldn’t believe how many times I got home from a walk and cried because my dog pulled on lead.

What is YOUR struggle?

Maybe loose lead walking isn’t your struggle.
These are some of the things that clients have come to me for help with:

Biting clothes, legs and hands and leaving bruises
Nervous reactive barking at strangers
Frustrated barking
Lack of impulse control
Humping when excited or stressed
Dog just doesn’t listen

What are your goals?

Everyone has a vision in mind when they first bring their dog home. You may have imagined long relaxing walks on the beach at the end of a long day or time exploring the wilderness at the weekend. You may have envisaged a perfect companion for yourself or your children peacefully sharing cosy nights in by the fire. Meeting with friends and their dogs may have been part of your dream.

I wanted to go on stress free walks with my dog. Having my arm pulled out of its socket was not in the plan. When I realised focussing purely on training my dog to stop pulling was not working, I tried different ways to achieve my ultimate goal of stress free walks. I even found that we both enjoyed canicross – where pulling is actively encouraged! Once the pressure and the stress were relieved, and I was enjoying spending time with my dog again, I found renewed energy to train my dog. With improved training skills, I was able to make quick progress and the task that felt impossible became joyful.

Luckily, you don’t have to be frustrated like I was. You don’t need to spend years developing your knowledge of dog behaviour, welfare and observational skills to be able to pinpoint why your training is ineffective. Overcoming these challenges with my first dog launched my dog training career. The simple joy of life with my dog makes me train dogs differently to other trainers, with a focus on solving problems in ways that work for you and your dog without compromising your relationship with your dog.

When we create your training plan, we will look at your problem in the context of your goals. There may be an easy solution that eases your frustration in day-to-day life with your dog and allows training to become a pleasant, bonding activity.

Pathfinding programs are tailored to YOU

Your program is bespoke to you. Training is not “one size fits all”. I look at the whole picture – your dog’s life, personality, and skills, plus your own skills, motivations, goals and lifestyle. Problem solving skills developed during my past life as an engineer allow me to find unique solutions to your individual situation. I use my observational skills in combination with my knowledge of canine learning theory to improve the mechanics of your training, ensuring you are correctly using the best possible methods for your dog.

Some dogs have underlying behavioural or medical issues which stop them being able to perform certain tasks in certain situations. For example, if your dog is in pain or is very nervous of traffic, walking nicely next to you feels to them like you’re asking them to perform a comedy routine in a burning building. These may need to be resolved before progress can be made in training. I can help you to identify potential pain and support you in getting help from your vet.

Pathfinder coaching programs have “trainer in your pocket” support included. If things go wrong or you feel like you’re not making progress, you can send me a message or a video with your problem. Whether you are looking for support emotionally or practically, I am there for you with kindness and non-judgemental guidance. I also love to receive messages of small wins. Although they may be small things, each step towards your goals is worth celebrating.

Let us help you 

Book your free, no obligation discovery call now.